Kernel bases approximation and applications
3D-1D coupled problems
Adaptive methods
Analysis on manifolds and Lie groups
Applicazioni in ambito retail e marketing, e gestione della filiera logistica
BEM FEM methods for PDEs
Blockchain Applications
Calculus of variations and applications
Commutative and non-commutative algebra
Deep learning
Design and analysis of physical and computer experiments
Differential Geometry
Domain decomposition
Free boundary problems
Geometria Descrittiva e modellizzazione di forme geometriche
Geometric Analysis on Riemannian manifolds
Geometry of PDEs
Harmonic analysis and discrete differential geometry
High Performance solvers (HPC) for problems governed by partial differential equations in large domains and/or with complex geometry
Industry and environmental sciences
Integral and integro-differential equations
Mathematical models in finance
Multiagent and network systems
Number Theory
Numerical optimization
Numerical solution of PDEs with classical discretization techniques and polygonal/polyhedral elements
Optimisation problems in finance
Ottimizzazione surrogata per il progetto e controllo di sistemi
Phase space analysis and applications to quantum mechanics
Programmazione dinamica approssimata e reinforcement learning
Projective algebraic geometry
Quaternionic functional Analysis and Hypercomplex Analysis
Rate independent and Moreau’s processes
Reaction network
Robust and stochastic optimization
Scientific and technological applications of origami
Spectral and h-p type finite element methods
Statistical modeling of biological data
Statistics for clinical trials
Stochastic models for biomedicine and for reliability in electronic, mechanical and environmental engineering
Stochastic orders and positive dependence concepts in risk theory, reliability and actuarial sciences
Submanifolds in Lorentzian conformal geometry and CR-geometry
Theoretical analysis of mathematical models with singularities for interacting systems
Theoretical aspects of PDEs with applications to engineering structures, models of phase transitions and transport problems
Topological, algebraic and geometric data analysis
Uncertainty evaluation in measurement processes
Uncertainty quantification by PDE-based models
Vehicular trafic, human crowds and social systems