Category: Other Events
State: Archived
12-16 dicembre 2016

"Network theory: from statistical mechanics to random complex geometries"

Politecnico - Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24

Prof. Ginestra Bianconi (QMUL) will give the excellence course named:

"Network theory: from statistical mechanics to random complex geometries"

The course will take place a the Department of Mathematical Sciences, starting on Monday, 12 December and ending on Friday, 16 December.

A tentative scheduling is:
Monday 14.30 - 17.30
Tue, Thur, Fri 10 - 13
Wednesday aula 8D 10-13

Network theory characterizes the structure of networks describing interacting complex systems, such as the brain or the molecular networks in the cell.
The field has started almost twenty years ago, together with the significant increase data on interacting complex systems such as the Internet or the molecular network in the cell.
The statistical mechanics approach has dominated the beginning of this field since it provides the natural way to characterize these complex structures between randomness and order.
Recently, it is becoming clear that network geometry will be essential for enhancing our understanding of complexity, having many practical implications for data mining, routing of packets in the Internet, ect.
Moreover, at the fundamental level, uncovering the relation between network geometry and complexity, might provide new venue for cross-fertilization between network theory and quantum gravity.
In these 15 lectures I will give an overview of the results obtained so far, relating network theory, network geometry, quantum network states and quantum statistics.